Austrian Database for Scholarships and Research Grants –
Visiting Fellowship at ANU Centre for European Studies (ANUCES)
Country of origin:
Target country:
Area of study or research:
Social Sciences
Sociology, Political Sciences, Other and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
History, Archaeology, Other and Interdisciplinary Humanities
Type of grant:
Detailed type of grant:
Research allowances
Target group:
PhD holders, post docs
Funding organisation:
ANU Centre for European Studies (ANUCES)
1-6 months
Grant benefit paid:
This Fellowship is for a period between one and six months. The grant can be used towards economy airfares and accommodation for the Visiting Fellow. The maximum contribution for travel and accommodation is AUD$3,500. This financial assistance is not a salary replacement.
Closing date for applications:
Enquiries to be made at the office where the applications have to be submitted
Advice on how to apply:
The Visiting Fellowship Program at the Centre for European Studies at the Australian National University (ANU) is part of the Centre’s mission to promote research, education and dialogue between Europe and Australia. The Visiting Fellowship Program is specifically aimed at supporting and hosting local and international scholars wishing to undertake research at the Australian National University.

Research themes
The ANUCES is an initiative involving six ANU Colleges (Arts and Social Sciences; Law; Business and Economics; Asia and the Pacific; Medicine, Biology and Environment; and Engineering and Computer Science) co-funded by the ANU and the European Union.
- Environment and Sustainability;
- People, Movement and Borders;
- Governance, Citizenship and Policy; and
- Creative Cultures and Connections.

Further information
Last update:
Request date:
08.05.2024 14:48:18