International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
3 months
A monthly salary based on an annual gross salary of EUR 18,132.
Bei der Einreichstelle zu erfragen
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
Hinweise zur Bewerbung:
Science communication interns will gain experience in communicating complex systems science for a general audience through a variety of platforms including blogs, the IIASA website, social media, video, and articles for our magazine, Options. The successful candidate will work in the IIASA Communications and External Relations (CER) department, assisting with a variety of tasks including web publishing, media relations, event coverage, multimedia, social media, and other communication activities.
A bachelor's or equivalent degree in science or journalism, and/or current student or graduate of a science journalism program.
Applicants from all countries are welcome, but IIASA gives priority to citizens or residents of countries in which IIASA has a national member organization. Applications from developing countries are encouraged.
First-hand experience in writing about science for non-specialist audiences via blogs, newspapers, university web sites, or other outlets.
Written and oral fluency in English and proven ability to understand complex scientific research.
Experience with or interest in social media, video, photography, or other multimedia.
Diese Datenbank wird aus Mitteln des BMBWF finanziert. Die Daten wurden von der OeAD-GmbH als Abwicklungsstelle, von der OeAD-GmbH aufgrund von Angaben ausschreibender Stellen oder von ausschreibenden Stellen selbst eingetragen. Es wird keine Haftung für Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit und Aktualität der Daten übernommen.